ERASMUS+ project
- Project Title: Enhancing Inclusive Education in Higher Education Institutions with Artificial Intelligence
- Acronym: AI-ENABLE
- Project Reference Number: 2023-1-SI01-KA220-HED-000160853
- Programme: ERASMUS + KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
- Project Duration: 1/10/2023 – 31/09/2025
- Project Coordinator: Univerza v Mariboru, Slovenia
AI-ENABLE is an innovative EU project that brings together four universities and one NGO from Slovenia, Spain, Portugal, and Turkey with a mission to explore and harness the untapped potential of AI technologies and tools to create a more inclusive educational experience for all students.

A project based on the needs of educators and educational institutions
Artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionize education, particularly for students with diverse learning needs, including students with disabilities and special needs. However, many educators and institutions lack the knowledge, skills, and resources to integrate artificial intelligence effectively. To address this gap, this project explores the use of artificial intelligence tools for the inclusion of students with disabilities and special needs in Higher Education Institutions.
Project aims
Exploring AI’s potential for inclusive education.
The main aim of the project is to enhancing Inclusive Education in Higher Education Institutions with Artificial Intelligence.
In the project we are going to:
- Explore AI's potential for inclusive education
- Foster teachers' innovation
- Develop innovative teaching practices
- Create engaging e-learning Resources
- Pilot developed courses for teachers
- Collaborate with educators, experts, and stakeholders

Supporting Educators, Educational Institutions Leaders and Policy-makers
Various results are expected during the implementation of the AI-ENABLE project:

Framework and Guidelines for AI Integration in Inclusive Education

Collection of Good Practices of AI Integration in Inclusive Education

E-Learning Platform and Online Course for Teachers