Project coordinator

With more than 200 registered researchers, 50 technicians, and 2500 students, University of Maribor (UM), Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (FERI) is one of the leading educational and research institutions in the field of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in South-eastern Europe. UM FERI provides students with knowledge based on internationally recognized scientific research work, thus enabling them to be successfully integrated within future working environments in Slovenia and/or abroad. Research activities are carried out in 8 Institutes with 26 Laboratories. In these institutions, we operate in the fields of electrical engineering, computer science, information technology, communications, media, telecommunications, and mechatronics. UM FERI is currently involved in over 30 EU (H2020, Interreg and other), NATO and US Navy funded projects, 20 national research projects, and 50 projects funded by our global industrial partners.



Istanbul University – Cerrahpaşa, Turkey

İstanbul University – Cerrahpaşa (IUC), a state university, was established in 2018 by being splitted from the oldest and the biggest University of Turkey, Istanbul University. The Higher Education Council has given this decision due the fact that Istanbul University had 311.078 students, of whom 73.214 were regular and 237.864 distance education students. The two Universities established in 2018 were Istanbul University – Cerrahpasa (IUC) and Istanbul University (IU), that kept the original name. Now, Istanbul University – Cerrahpasa consists of 12 Faculties, 5 Post Graduate Institutes, 5 Vocational Schools, 2081 academic staff and educates some 39.337 students. Medical, Nursing, Education, Engineering, Health Sciences, Veterinary and Forestry are among the faculties that used to be part of Istanbul University and now are transferred to IUC.



The Polytechnic University of Portalegre (IPP) is a higher education institution that includes four Schools, involved in teaching, training, research and other activities in their respective scientific, pedagogic, technical and artistic scope. The IPP ( is the first Portuguese higher education institution to be awarded the quality certification as a whole, according to the NP EN ISO 9001:2008 standard, by the Portuguese Association for Certification (APCER). It was also a pioneer in Social Responsibility certification, being the first Portuguese HEI to receive the certificate of compliance with NP 4469-1:2008 standard. Overall, IPP has approximately 2700 students, 241 staff members, and 192 teachers/researchers.



University of Deusto, Spain

With a long and well-established tradition, founded in 1886 as a higher education institution, the University of Deusto (UD) has a mission and educational goal firmly grounded in academic excellence and social responsibility, aiming at generating economic sustainable growth and making positive contributions towards the construction of fairer and more inclusive and humane societies. Recognized as an International Excellence Campus, the university is a hub of 35 research teams working at the university’s six faculties (Psychology and Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, Engineering, Law, Economic and Business Sciences, Theology).



INUK institute is a non-profit research and training organization, focused on developing and promoting modern communication models and strategies, that support a shared value economy, empower communities and enable inclusion for everyone. Institute offers different training and consultancy services for organisations (educational, private and public) and individuals, especially in the field of digital education, inclusive education, accessibility of environment, services and information for people with disabilities and elderly as well as economic and social sustainability.