AI For Inclusive Education: Unlocking The Potential Of Every Student

Dive into the future of education with us as we embark on an exciting Erasmus+ journey to enhance inclusive education through the power of Artificial Intelligence.


ERASMUS+ project: Enhancing Inclusive Education in Higher Education Institutions with Artificial Intelligence

AI-ENABLE is an innovative EU project that brings together four universities and one NGO from Slovenia, Spain, Portugal, and Turkey with a mission to explore and harness the untapped potential of AI technologies and tools to create a more inclusive educational experience for all students. The project, which lasts from 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2025, is funded by ERASMUS+ programme and is led by the University of Maribor, Slovenia.

Project aims to:


Supporting Educators, Educational Institutions Leaders and Policy-makers

Through collaborative efforts, we are excited to introduce a range of outputs that aim to redefine the landscape of inclusive education through the integration of Artificial Intelligence. Our commitment to innovation and inclusivity is reflected in the following project outcomes:

Framework and Guidelines for AI Integration in Inclusive Education

Designed to guide the smooth integration of AI into inclusive education practices. Tailored for educators and educational institutions leaders.

Collection of Good Practices of AI Integration in Inclusive Education

Learn from success stories within our project. This repository showcases innovative approaches, providing a practical guide for educators.

E-Learning Platform and Online Course for Teachers

Empowering teachers with skills and knowledge, this output ensures they stay at the forefront of inclusive education by integrating AI seamlessly into their teaching practices.

Multiplier Events for Dissemination

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Latest project news

AI-Enable4 days ago
👩🏻‍💻The monthly online meeting of the AI-Enabled project was organized to discuss the WP3 process for ongoing workshops on “Exploration of AI tools for pedagogical innovation and development of good practices in inclusive education”. It ended with discussing the tasks to be done until the next meeting.

#AIENABLE #Education #InclusiveEducation #ArtificialIntelligence #AIinEducation